Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

No park today

Well no trip to park again, still too cold. Oh well. Edward and I spent the day together so mommy could relax for awhile with friends. We had a great time!
Tomorrow Edward is off to the urologist for his off center pee pee hole (common birth deficit in premature male babies ). We should know what the plan of attack is to fix the problem tomorrow we hope .

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Another crazy Saturday

Well not really that crazy , Edward must like having both his parents home because it seems like in the weekends he refuses to take naps! Oh well he does sleep like a champion, Melissa calls him little Greg ( I am a very good sleeper just ask my parents and sisters how hard it was to wake me up). Nothing else too exciting today, his Grandmother Campbell came over for her biweekly visit. Tomorrow we are really hoping to finally take Edward to the park, but time will tell. ( well that and temp)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Good day

Well continues to improve everyday, I tell you everyday I wake up I think he grew like an inch or so!!! Boy is he getting big. I told my mom when she gets here on feb 17th that we would put a name tag on Edward so she can recognize him. (She has not seen him in person since August). My mom does FaceTime with him daily (video chat) so she knows how big he is getting..

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New weight and height

Well Edward went to the his regular doctor today and his new weight is......
10 pounds 14 oz and his length is 22 inches!!!! Boy is he getting big. He does not have to return to see his regular doctor for one month!!!! And for his next appointment his Grandmother Day will here from Florida to go with him!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eye doctor today

Well eye appointment went well. Right eye now better than the left . But both still improving. Not going back for 2 weeks!! We also have an appointment for our room air test, but it is not until mid February, Dr. T is on vacation for awhile. So we will have to put up with all the medical equipment for a few more weeks. Oh well what ever Edward needs he gets!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Edward continues to grow

I am amazed each day as to how much Edward has grown. I mean he was at one time not too long ago only able to take 1 ml of formula and now he takes 120+. He weighs over 10 pounds now and when he was born he was. 1/10th the size. He is truly our miracle baby and as one doctor he has put it:
"Edward must be destine for great things"
I think I agree!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fun with Edward

Well today it was guys day, as Melissa spend time with her mom at the nursing home. Edward and I played and took more pictures (which can be found on his main web site at (http://edwardday.com). I just love my little buddy so so much!!! Tomorrow ,if weather permits, we are off to the park, so look for park pictures tomorrow on his web site. Hope everyone is doing great!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thank you once again

Well I want to once again thank everyone at my school who put on a lovely baby shower for Edward. Everyone was so happy to finally see Edward( through the video feed, he was not there).
Edward continues to grow so big each and everyday!
On deck next week we have a eye doctor's appt on Tuesday and a trip to the regular doctor on Wednesday, so please continue to keep Edward in your thoughts!!! We are not out of the woods yet, but we must we close!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New chair

Well check out what Edward got for his nursery !!! He loves it by the way. Tomorrow my school is having a baby shower for Edward after school and since Melissa and Edward can't be there we are going to do the next best thing (FaceTime(Skype on Mac) ) with them during the baby shower.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Team Grandpa

Well Edward wore his hunting attire today to try and cheer up his Grandpa Day who had back surgery today . For being so little Edward sure is really good at cheering people up!
We got Edward a special surprise today for his nursery, well I ordered it a few days ago but it came in today, and well you will have to wait and see what it is. I promise we will take pictures of him with it soon and post it on the blog and his home page (edwardday.com).
Hope everyone is doing great!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Welcome to your crib

Well today Edward took a nap in his big boy crib for the first time and slept like a rock !! He really liked his crib a lot, we will begin to make the transition to the big crib from his little bassinet, as it only holds babies up to 15 pounds, Edward is already over 10 and at this rate will be over 15 within a month or 2.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter comes back

Well winter decided to come back today, so we did not go to the park or for a walk, a little too cold and windy. We just spend the day hanging out with Edward, because tomorrow I am back to work, oh something funny however, look at were Melissa put Edward, where am I suppose to go?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Edward turns 5 months

Well Edward turned 5 months ...
Oh how time flies, check out edwardday.com, I have added a new page with all the pictures we took today.
See a few samples below, tomorrow off to the park.

Edward turns 5 months

Well today(Sunday) Edward turns 5 months, it is hard to believe 5 months ago William started us down this long long road, may you rest in peace William. And happy birthday Edward!!!
Mommy and daddy love you both do much!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Daddy and me time

Big weekend for Edward

Well this is a big weekend for Edward, he has a long list of activities,
1st on Saturday he will be hanging out with dad in the afternoon and mom in the evening for a little one on one time,
2nd on Sunday Edward turns 5 months (William too, may he rest in peace ), so Grandma Campbell is coming over to celebrate and I am going to try and take of really nice pictures of Edward turning 5 months (and I will post them to the web site).
And 3rd on Monday Edward is off to the park ( and again we have already asked the doctor if it is ok)and we plan on taking some candid shots of him at the park, so look for them on Monday. Boy I better get to bed and rest up for the very busy weekend ahead.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New weight

Well we have a new weight for Edward, it is........ Drum roll please...... 10 pounds... That means that he is 10x larger than his brother was at birth... Boy was William ever small. We sure do miss William a lot, and hope the where ever he is, he is looking down and protecting his little brother.

Edward goes cruising

Well Edward goes back to the doctor tomorrow, so we will have a new weigh in to report tomorrow.
Today Melissa took Edward cruising in his stroller around the block, check out the pictures below to see his new look while he is cruising. Hope everyone is doing great

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Good news

Well as you probably know by now, we had some good news finally from the eye doctor, it seems that Edward's eyes are improving enough that he does not want to see him for 2 weeks , for the past month we have been going weekly to see Dr.Parks.
Tomorrow is a rest day for Edward and Melissa and then on Thursday Melissa and Edward are off to the regular doctor for a weigh in and "regular check up"
Thanks again to Kim for going with Melissa today to the eye doctor, it is much appreciated !

Appointment Results

Just got the following text from Melissa:
"Hi appt went well no more lazer at this time go back in two weeks"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to eye doctor

Well make this quick, Edward heads back to the eye doctor again sobI will post results from the appointment as soon as I can tomorrow, so check throughout the day for info.
Special note: Thanks to our good friend Kim for going to the doctor's with Melissa tomorrow.... Thanks so much!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Edward goes to get grandma

Well Yesterday (Saturday I walked over to the nursing home so he could walk back his Grandma Campbell, who was coming over for a visit.(Don't worry he waited outside for her, I am not that dumb to take a new born baby into a nursing home)
His Grandma was sure surprised and really enjoyed her visit with Edward yesterday.
Today, Melissa and I took Edward for a 1 1/2 mile walk around the neighborhood, it is so nice to give Edward something else to look at other than the walls of our house. (Of course the doctor has told us this absolutely fine, taking Edward for walks, we will never do or take him anywhere without asking his doctors first... )
Hope everyone had a great weekend, tomorrow I go back to work and Edward and Melissa rest up for Edward's follow up eye exam on Tuesday!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

First week of school down

Well my first week if school is done, and I survived, I miss Edward and Melissa so much when I am at school but thanks to Apple, the iPhone, and my MacBook, I video chat with Melissa and Edward during my prep and at lunch, it gets me through the day.
Edward continues to grow and get stronger everyday, next week he has his eye follow up on Tuesday, and hopefully he does not need anymore laser surgery, and on Thursday it is back to his regular doctor for a weigh in and length check. Also in about 3 weeks Edward is headed back to the NICU for his room air test with Dr. T, and maybe just maybe we can get rid of his oxygen and he can be a normal baby!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Edward continues to recover

Well Edward continues to recover nicely from his eye procedure. I really miss both him and Melissa while I am at work. I actually face timed (video chat program on the Mac) with her from school twice today so my kids could see Edward. My 8th graders have been asking all about Edward and when they are going to see him, and well for now this is the best I can do.
Tuesday again is a big day, we will know more about his eyes and were we stand then. Hope everyone is doing well and having a great New year.

Oh sorry I forgot to tell everyone about the helicopter cost, ok is everyone sitting down.... It cost each way 10,000 dollars to have Edward flow down and back to Cedar Sinai and it was worth every penny.(Thank goodness for great Insurance!!!)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Edward resting

Well Edward continues to rest from his laser surgery today. We will know in 7 days if the procedure took or if he made need another douse of the lasers. We continue to pray that this will be enough, but only god knows the answer to that. Thank you for all your continue support and prayers, we need them all!!! Thanks again


Ok just got a text, surgery is done, Edward has drops he needs to take for 2 days and will go again next Tuesday for a follow up exam. Boy is Edward ever a fighter!!! I do love him and Melissa so much.


As I write this blog entry Edward is having laser surgery on his right eye. Eye didn't improve enough on its own, and doctor said this is the time to take action. I am not happy since I am currently at school and not with Melissa or Edward. Thank goodness that Melissa's best friend Natalie went with her today. Thank you do much Natalie. Will update with results when done

Monday, January 2, 2012

Last day together

Well this was my last day with Edward and Melissa. Tomorrow I head back to school :(
Also Edward heads back to the eye doctor tomorrow for another eye follow, so please keep Edward in your thoughts and prayers today. I will to update this blog in the AM from school once we know something about the eye exam but no promises, I am not sure what kind of mess I am walking into after being out for a month. If I don't get a chance to update the blog in the AM I will update in the PM from home...
Edward and I watched the winter classic together today and he actually stared at the TV screen!!! I think it was more for all the motion and colors as I am pretty sure he can't see that clearly yet.
Nothing else new to report , just enjoyed my last day with Melissa and Edward!!:( I never knew going back to work would be this difficult .