Sunday, September 30, 2012

Restful day, time to go back to work

Well I had a restful day with Edward. Edward put on his dolphins jersey and we watched the dolphins lose another game. Edward seemed into at the end as he was hitting his drum to try and cheer for the dolphins. Oh we'll, there is always next week. Tomorrow I am back to work and Edward is back to daycare. Oh did I mention that Melissa is starting to get sick again!!!! Oh no!!! Her voice is starting to go.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dad still sick Edward goes with mommy

Well I am still sick!!! So mom took Edward to Sam's club this morning to shop. See the picture below of Edward in the shopping chart. Why an I getting sick all the time. Sorry to make this short, need to sleep and get stronger.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Dad gets sick

Sorry about no blog yesterday, I got really sick last night and was running a temp over 102. Thanks to some Tylenol and a lot of sleep I am feeling much better.
Edward of course is doing great, yesterday when Melissa went to Target to get me some jello and soup she bought him his very own remote, see picture below.
Today we put Edward on the floor in crawling position and instead of crawling after the cat, that he loves so much, he decided to rollover in her cat bed, see the other picture below. Well still don't feel 100% so I need to get some more sleep. Goodnight

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bike ride

Well today Edward decided to sit the right way on his little quad, So I pushed him around a little. No very fast but he sure did love it. We also found out that Edward not only is doing a fundraiser but also gets his picture taken at school next week. Oh my, how are little boy is growing up way too fast. Before you know it, he will be writing this blog not me,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Edwards melts my heart

Well today when I went to pick up Edward I walked in his room and he was playing on the floor. As soon Ashe saw me he gave me a big smiled and reached out for me!!!!
Edward also got up from laying position back up to sitting by himself today during therapy... Hurray

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fundraiser are you kidding me

Well today when I picked Edward up at daycare they mentioned something about info on a fundraiser, I didn't really pay too much attention thinking it might be for one of his teachers. Then I got home and looked at it and guess what. Edward is selling signature stuff for a fundraiser at school (daycare). Who would have ever thought a year ago that he would be selling stuff for a fundraiser. Edward already sold some stuff to his grandma Day and Aunt Bette. Boy is he ever a good salesman. Anyone else want to buy anything? Let us know.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Finger painting

Well today we tried some finger painting with Edward, and well he was just not into it yet. I took some pictures and uploaded them to, click on the photo page.
Edward and I also played Legos today on his Lego table. Well I put stuff together and he keep taking it apart and banging the Legos against the table.
Well time to start another week, Friday hurry up and get here!!! So I can spent all weekend again with my favorite two people, Melissa and Edward.
One note, I have uploaded all the pictures of Edward at the water as well to the photo page on

Saturday, September 22, 2012

One last trip to water park

Well today we took one last trip to the water park in Palmdale. We meant Edward's BFF Luke Barber there. The two boys had a great time.
Oh when we put Edward in the water he wanted to stand up the whole time, I guess he is getting stronger in his legs. Before you know it he might be walking, only time will tell.
Look for all the pictures from the water park tomorrow afternoon on Below is a sample

Friday, September 21, 2012

Last flight

Well today I saw something very exciting at school, right before school was going to start today they came on the intercom and told everyone that the shuttle Endeavor had just left Edward's Air Force Base and if we wanted to see to proceed outside, it took awhile but in the end we saw history, the farewell flight of shuttle Endeavor, see the picture below.
Edward is doing great at day care, he just seems so happy and I think he likes being one of the only boys in the class...
Tomorrow is Saturday!!! Family cleaning day!!! Hurray Edward and I can't wait!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Everything is great

Well sorry to make this short again, it has been a busy week. Edward is doing great, not crawling yet but is being to stand up if you help him up and hold him from behind. We both think he might just skip the crawling thing and just walk, but don't get too excited we are still a ways from him walking.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Long day

Well today I spent over 12 hours at school due to the fact we had back to school night. I only got to see Edward for about 30 min before he went off to dreamland. Tomorrow it is Melissa's turn to have back to school night so it is a boys only night!!!
Well I am falling asleep so goodnight

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Edward goes to the mall

Well Edward had another great day, he took a 2 1/2 hour nap and played hard. His teachers told me how much he has improved in just the past two weeks. If you didn't hear, Edward had homework this past weekend, see the picture below if his finished homework.
We also took Edward to the mall yesterday so we could get our hair cut in preparations for back to school tomorrow for me and Thursday for Melissa. Well goodnight, need to get my rest so I can prepare for back to school night tomorrow...

Monday, September 17, 2012

New lego table

Well after school today Edward help me put together his new Lego table, check out pictures of it below.
Boy are we going to have fun with it!!! I can't wait to get building!!!
Nothing else new today, hope everyone is doing great

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Edward goes to the races

Well we took Edward done to see the qualifying for the Grand Prix of Lancaster and well he was not into it, too noisy, next year we are going to get ear plugs for him. You can keep out all the pictures from our adventure at the races at and click on the photo page. I will try and update the site more often.
Below you will see the picture I call, where is Edward? Can you find him?

Friday, September 14, 2012

The weekend is here

Well the weekend is here!!! Time to spent lots of time with Edward and Melissa. Tomorrow (Saturday) we are headed to downtown Lancaster to watch the go cart races up and down Lancaster Blvd. My parents always use to take me to the races every Saturday night so I figured it was about time for Edward to experience racing first hand as well...
I will try and take lots of pictures of Edward stay the races and upload them to

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mommy gets better

Well Melissa is feeling much better today, which makes Edward and I relieved. Edward continues to enjoy going to daycare do to the high girl to boy ratio. I think he might be becoming a ladies man, but who knows. One last day of work before the weekend is here. I am hoping to take Edward down to Lancaster Blvd this weekend to watch the annual go kart races but we will have to see how the weather is . Nothing else new, so goodnight

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Another person gets sick

Well today, just a few days after I got better from being sick, Melissa vomited at school and left early to come home. I guess it is her turn to be sick. Oh boy, whatever Edward got from day care really took us out. Edward is doing great, as you can see from the pictures below. His punk eye is gone, his cold his gone, all he has is a stuffed up noise from allegories.
Due to the fact that Melissa is very sick, we had to reschedule Edward's swallow test until 10/8 and 10/12. I was a little worried about 10/12 since it is suppose to be opening night for the ducks, but since the owners and players can't agree in a CBA, the NHL is headed for another Lockout and possible lose of another season. Time to find a new sport to watch with Edward.
On finally note, when I picked Edward up from day care today they said he had a great day. I guess he took a nice long nap and finished all his food and bottles, first time ever at daycare!!!! Go Edward go..
Look for a web site content update this weekend, sorry the updates have been far a few, very busy with school.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Relaxing Tuesday

Nothing new to report. Melissa and I are just trying to get in the flow of a new year as Edward continues to make new friends at day care. Edward is quite the ladies man, with all the females in the room with him. Goodnight

Monday, September 10, 2012

Calm Monday

Well another start to the week. Edward went to day care as Batman. He just loves all the attention he gets from everyone there. And of course is doesn't help that he only has 2 other boys in his class, lots of girls to flirt with.
Well time to go off to dreamland, goodnight.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Edward eats a yogurt puff

Well big news today, first tonight a dinner Melissa gave Edward a Yogurt Puff on his tray and he picked it up put it in his mouth and chewed and ate it all by himself. Hurray!!!!
The other big news is that I am almost back to 100%. That darn cold Edward gave me from daycare really knocked me for a loop.
Tomorrow Edward starts week 3 in daycare, he really seems to be getting on the daycare schedule. Last week he started napping with the class at 12-2. And that say he just loves all the toys over there!!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Time to rest up

Well the week is finally over and boy do we ever need the rest. Melissa is so tired from chasing 4-6 year olds all week, Edward is tired from playing hard in day care all week and dad is still sick and tired from the cold Edward gave me from day care. Welcome Saturday you couldn't get here early enough

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Edward the artist , first days back

Well our first few days back at school have been, well trying. Melissa told me it is very trying chasing around and being the mother to 29 4-6 year old kids. Don't get me wrong, she loves being back at work other than the fact that we both miss Edward a lot.
Today when I picked him up I was given a surprise, Edward did some painting today, as I could tell by the fact that the paint was still on his face a little, and boy did he ever do a great job!!! Check out his work below. One more say before we get a much needed weekend to recharge and get ready for our first full week. Goodnight

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Edward update

Edward continues to get better everyday. Today was his first day back to day care and they said he did great. He loves just sitting on the floor and playing. Sleeping, well that is another issue.
Tomorrow is our first day with kids, so I am not sure if I will have the energy to blog, but I will try. Look for some new pictures of Edward that I will be uploading to the web site soon.
Good night

Monday, September 3, 2012

Edward on the mend

Edward is on the mend. He is almost back to normal, and just in time as Melissa and I have out first real day of work tomorrow as we prepare for the kids to arrive on Wednesday.
Below you will see the latest picture of Edward's eyes.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Edward continues to improve

Well Edward continues to get better. He has no redness in his eye and he seems to getting his appetite back!!! Only a few more days before he is off to day care. Look below for the latest picture of Edward's eyes.
Also look at the other picture below and you will see Edward eating, he looks like a bird when he eats, he opens up wide like a little birdie.

Edward continues to improve

Edward continues to recover from his 2 things he got from day care. His cold is almost gone and pink eye almost back to normal .
Kariya the cat is almost back to normal as well. We hope that the whole house is back to normal by Tuesday
See a picture of Edward's eyes today.