Thursday, October 31, 2013

Edward sick

Well we are not in Palm Springs at the Math conference. Edward's daycare called today, he had a temp of 102. We then went right to the door and they can hear some wheezing with his breathing and his breathing rate is high. We are on breathing treatments every 3 hours all night and have to go back tomorrow morning for a another check up and who knows, we might be headed to the hospital or be on oxygen for the weekend. I will update this blog when I have more news...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Back to the NICU

Well Edward made his annual fall visit to the NICU. They could hardly believe how big he has gotten. One nurse even started to cry, because she couldn't believe how far Edward has come. They all said it would be hard to even tell he was a "micro" premie, if they hadn't taken care of him. It is always so great to go over to the NICU and show them what all their hard work has produced. We will never be able to fully thank them for everything they did for us.

Below are a few pictures of the visit...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Play Date

Well Edward had another play date with AJ (Alex) from the NICU. Edward got AJ a car just like his, as AJ really liked his car when he came to Edward's birthday party. Edward also shared his mom with AJ. As towards the end of the play date Melissa held AJ and Edward was not too happy about that. In the end they learned to share mommy. Go to and click on the photo albums and then choice the October 2013 album to view all the pictures from the play day. OR click the link below:

I also uploaded a new video of Edward eating chili with a spoon, so go check it out.. The link to the video is below, or click on the link for his you tube channel on the main page of

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween is almost here

Well since Edward is not going trick or treating this year (We have to leave for a BIG Math conference right after school on the 31st) We took Edward to the BOOLVD, in Lancaster. Lancaster's yearly Halloween celebration, and we let Edward wear his costume, however we are not sure what he actually is? So any help would be appreciate. I am serious, we don't know. Is it a dinosaur ? A Dragon? An Alligator? Email us with what you think it is

Below you will see the picture.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mac and cheese

Ok one question, can a person live on Mac and cheese only? I think Edward is trying, 2 days in a row he has had Mac and cheese for dinner... Will tomorrow bring day 3? We don't plan it that way sometimes, he just wants to eat that only.... And believe me, Edward will let you know if he doesn't want to eat something and there is NO way you can make him, unless you enjoy picking up vomit.. He can make himself vomit anytime he wants. No really the skill set we were hoping for him to have,,, 

Well goodnight 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Great game

Well yesterday (Tuesday), Edward made an appearance at the New Vista vs Cole volleyball game. I like going to that game every year, as I use to teach at Cole. I brought Edward's ear plugs and it can get loud in the gym during a volleyball game. See picture below. The girl's team did great in the end ended up winning.. WAY TO GO... Well tomorrow I have a very long day. 9 straight  hours of parent conferences.

Oh we took Edward to the doctor yesterday to make sure nothing was wrong, he has been stuffed up for a few weeks. In the end there was nothing wrong with him. So that was a big relief. Oh, they did weigh him and his weight is now 25 pounds 4 oz.. OMG where did little tiny Edward go? he is now about 25 times the size that he was when he was born.. Well goodnight

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Busy weekend

Well we had a busy weekend and even a busier Sunday. Today we went to Owen Bartlett baptism (friends of ours) then we went to there house. After that we came home and Edward and I played while mommy went to help a friend pack for her big move back east to Maine. We then, after Edward's nap took Selena home, a former student of mine who has been helping Melissa's mom take care of small jobs in the nursing home (she needs volunteer hours for AVID). After that we went to Toys R Us and bought Edward something that his therapist recommended. Go to his YouTube page to see video of him with it, the link to his YouTube page can be found on the home page of There is also,a video of Edward dancing to a video that he likes. Well what a busy day. Below is a picture of Edward and mommy leaving the baptism..... Hope you can understand the blog tonight I am really tired..

Friday, October 18, 2013

Pictures are in

Well Edward's school pictures are in. he had them taken about a month ago but we keep in secret again so we could surprise everyone with the pictures. Below you will see the 2 different poses they took. I have also created a 2 year comparison of Edward's school pictures, boy has he ever gotten big in just a year. Well tomorrow we are going to do some fall cleaning, we are trying to get the cars back in the garage before the winter time...Edward has totally taken over every part of the house...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Edward plays

Well today when I picked up Edward at daycare I saw something amazing... Edward playing with another boy, well they were actually trying to get into an area they are not suppose to be in. It sounds silly, but this is the first time i have seen Edward playing with anyone else when I pick him up at daycare. Usually when I pick him up, he is off in a corner by himself.  So I started to cry when I saw it, and Edward must of really liked playing with him, because he started throwing the biggest fit when it was time for me to take him home. ( i guess that is good in away, it tells us that he is starting to like daycare. Well that is it, Have a great night, and no OT again, I guess the therapist back out AGAIN.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New Hat, new look

Well mommy tired a new hat on Edward, so check it out. Edward also got a new hair cut tonight, but I don't have a picture of that yet, but look for one tomorrow night.. Well goodnight

Monday, October 14, 2013

Edward builds

Well tonight we discovered that Edward knows how to build a cup tower with his toys, see picture below. On Wednesday we begin OT again (he previous therapist left so they finally found one) will tell everyone how it goes. 
On a side note, when I picked Edward up at daycare he was off doing his own thing. Which makes me very sad as it makes me think if his brother and all the fun they would if had together. We miss you Wiliam......

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Edward goes from 2 drives and fails asleep

Well today was take Edward for a walk so he can practice driving day. Mom took him out around 10:30ish and he feel asleep at the end of it, see picture below. She said his head all of a sudden went down and to the left, so she looked and he was sleeping... So funny.. Then later in the day he took out his green car for a drive, oh the earlier drive was in his red car (Edward has two cars one red and one Green). This time he did not fall asleep and had a big smile on his face the whole time..
Well with the end of another weekend, means the beginning of another week, and no we don't have tomorrow off. (Tomorrow is Columbus day by the way) We have had is off for the past 3 years (Furlough Day), but since we got all our Furlough Days back we have school tomorrow, however the schools or the district never told the parents, except on the calendar which hardly anyone looks at. So this might be interesting tomorrow, to see how many kids stay home.. Stay tuned... Well goodnight

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mac Cheese night

Well it was a mac and cheese night tonight and Edward ate an entire adult portion... Boy does he love cheese!!! I know I keep saying this but he is getting so BIG.. Wait to you see him again, you won't even recognize him.

Yesterday Edward had the cutest shirt on, see if you can figure out what it says. I think it is true by the way... Well goodnight

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Flu shots for everyone, funny story

Well everyone in the Day house hold has gotten our flu shots. Edward went today to get his, and before he got it he played a little in the waiting room, the doctor has a cool little house for the kids to play with. (See picture below). He didn't seem to like the flu shot once he knew what was going on, but we calmed him down. 
Know the funny story . When we picked Edward up at daycare they told us, when they were playing music today for the kids, Edward started dancing around, them all of a sudden a slow song started and he looked upset. They asked him if the music was too slow, he nodded yes. Then they asked if he wanted a faster song and he nodded yes again. They were so excited that Edward understood what they were asking and responded! Can someone tell how he has a hearing lose????

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Great few days

Well Edward continues to have great days at daycare. Today when I picked him up he was eating apple sauce and they asked me if he eats apple sauce at home. I said not so much. They were surprised since he loved it so much. I guess we don't buy the right type of apple sauce????? Well that is it tonight.. Till tomorrow night... Goodnight

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Team loses but Edward still happy

Well today Edward and I watched football together while mommy caught up on school work. Edward and I of course watched as much of the Dolphins/Ravens game that the NFL Red Zone Channel would show (They only show certain sections of games) . Well to make a long story short, the dolphins lost but Edward didn't seem to mind.. See picture below of Edward's reaction.. Well for start of a new week..

Saturday, October 5, 2013

And the Mystery Location is...

Well the mystery location is... Pumpkin patch in Fillmore CA. We drove down to Fillmore CA to meet some of my friends from high school who live in Moorpark CA. We then took the Pumpkin Liner to the pumpkin patch.. And well Edward had a blast... Check out a few of the photos below. The rest of the photos can be found on the october 2013 photo page located on I have placed a link below to go directly to the page. Also note that the link is located on the top of the photo page as the photo album page is once again malfunctioning, so please be patient as I recode the photo page ( in English rebuild the page). Well goodnight and enjoy the new photo page/ content on

Friday, October 4, 2013


Well we went to Sam's Club tonight to buy a few things and to have some pizza for dinner, and well before we could look Edward had an entire piece of Adult pizza gone, and he loved every bite.. See picture below of Edward having a grand old time... Well tomorrow we are off to a mystery location with Edward. Check out tomorrow night for full coverage of the mysterious day...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

No news is goodness

Well nothing really new, so I just wanted to write so that everyone knows the blog is still being uodated. Tomorrow I should have some news and some new content. Until tomorrow goodnight 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Edward Visits New Vista

Well today after school, I picked Edward up from daycare and brought him back to my school (New Vista Middle School). Mommy was meeting us so that she could show me how to us a program that we only have access to through the school server. Well while we were waiting, Edward just made himself at home, I but him at one of the desks and he just sat there like he belonged, see picture below. We took a few walks down the hallway and even visited the teacher next door to me that teaches History, Mr. Yassey, great teacher by the way. After mommy showed daddy hoe to work the program, we took a quick trip up the the teacher lounge to get Edward a quick snack, and then by Mrs. Lee's office (my Principal) so she could say hi. She is always asking about Edward and without her support from the begining I would have never been able to balance New Vista with the NICU. Thank you again Mrs. Lee for all your continued support. While he was saying hi to Mrs. Lee, he decided to walk all over her office, thankfully their was nothing for him to get into. Well then we came home. That was our boring night... Well time to go to bed, hope everyone is doing great, and I still can't believe how old Edward is getting!!! Where does time go????