Saturday, May 31, 2014

Birthday Party

Well Edward went to Ryan's birthday party today at Chuck e cheese. This is the first time he has been there in 6+ months. He loved it. I have uploaded all the pictures to his May 2014 photo album, so go check them out. Below is a sample. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

7 school days left.

Well we have 7 days left and Edward has 8 days of day care left!!!! It has been a long year for everyone and we are looking forward to spending lots of quality time together as a family this summer.
Tonight, Melissa took Edward over to AJ's house, his friend from the NICU ( I was sick from something I ate at school). Melissa told me that him and AJ had a ball. No pictures however, sorry, she was just enjoying seeing him play with AJ and some of his cousins (it was AJ's dad's birthday today). Well tomorrow we are headed to Ryan's birthday party if Edward can say awake ( it is during nap time). Well goodnight

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Walk like a

Well at OT on Wednesday, his therapist had Edward walk like a wheelbarrow and a crab. It was so funny, she is trying to build up his trunk because he still wants to slide down a slide like he is sliding into a base. He is getting better but still needs more strength. I uploaded a video of him walking like a wheelbarrow to his you tube channel sand we also uploaded new pictures to his May 2014 photo album so please go check them out. Tonight at OT I will try and get a video of him walking like a crab.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Back to normal

Well we are back to normal in Lamcaster for the next 2 and 1/2 weeks. Edward is doing great, and he loves day care. Everyday he does not want to go home because he is having too much fun...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Home safe, a visit

Well we made it home safe and sound... We had a great weekend and can't wait to do it again soon... After we arrived home, we unpacked, rested awhile, and then headed out again. Our first stop was to have a Memorial Day picnic with grandma Campbell at the nursing home (We had In and Out Burger), then we headed over to the NICU to see the staff and especially Dr T who saved his life.. See pictures below of his visit. The nurses were so excited to see him that they walked him around the unit to see everyone (they are really slow currently, only 4 babies). The last picture below is Edward with Dr T.

REMEMBER TO CHECK THE MAY 2014 photo stream daily as we are always uploading new pictures to the album.. If you forgot how to get there, here is the direct link again...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Relaxing day sort of

Well this morning we went to church and Edward went off to the day care they have for the kids during serve. It is so nice, they even give you a pager in case they have to reach you. After church Edward walked his Aunt Bonnie out to the car so we could all go out for brunch. However we would never get there, I hit the curb while turning in, blowing out my passenger front side tire. No one was hurt and the car was fine, however we had to call AAA to tow me to Walmart, as Hybrid SUVs don't come with spare tires due to the weight. Oh and just for the fun of it, when we got to Walmart and the Walmart associate tried to start the car to drive it in, the battery was dead, however after jumping it and repairing the tire, the battery is fine, and I have checked it several times during the day and it started every single time. So I hope that was just a one time thing.....

Later in the day, we listened to Edward give his opinion of the milk crisis at daycare, See Edward only gets milk once a day instead of twice and he had a lot to say about it... Her is the link to his while speak, the only problem is we have not idea what he is saying......

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day we will never forget

Well today we took Edward to Playland and Storyland in Fresno with his Great Aunt and Uncle and Cousin. Edward really loved all the nursery rhymes in Storyland, and all the things you could play on, see a few pictures below.
After our adventures at Storyland, we took a quick train ride over to Playland. Oh boy did Edward ever have a great time at Playland (Playland is like a little Fair, but with just rides for little kids). He first went on the helicopter ride with Uncle Gary and then Cousin Greg, then next he went on the cars... With who you ask, NO ONE. He went all by himself, see picture below. I also uploaded the video of him driving the car all by himself to his youtube channel here is the link:

Melissa and I were both crying, watching our little boy drive a car all by himself. I guess our little boy is not so little anymore....

I uploaded all the pictures of his adventures today, to his May 2014 photo album on Click the link below to be sent directly to the pictures. Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day Weekend......

Friday, May 23, 2014

Safely in Fresno, New Video

We are safely in Fresno for a visit with Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gary (Edward great aunt and uncle). He just was so excited to see them when he got out of the car. He showed them all his alphabet skills too, by helping put together his ABC puzzle. We can't wait for tomorrow, look for lots of new pictures tomorrow night on the web site.
I have uploaded a new video to Edward's Youtube channel, I will let it be a surprise of what it is about, one little but a little  info, please watch the whole thing, especially the ending, you are going to want to see what he does at the end it is so cute... Link below.


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Site fixed, Cheese Ball Thursday

Well Apple fixed their serves so I have moved the May 14 photos back to their Servers. In English, just click on the May 14 picture on the photo page to see the photos from May 14.
I have also updated his web site with a new video, just go to the video page to see the OH MAN video, very funny.
Tomorrow we are off to Fresno for our last long weekend, only 12 school days left!!!! Hurray!!!!
We also had Cheese Ball Thursday, cheese balls for desert!!! Edward sure loves his Cheese Balls.. See Picture below....

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Book Club, web site issues

Well, today when I dropped Edward off at daycare, his teacher, got out the books and the kids went running, Edward grabbed one and just started to rear, it was so funny.. See picture below. (Edward is in the black shirt)
Oh at Ot tonight, Edward, again, made it a point not to throw the bean bag in the basket, a skill his therapist is working on with him, while he is swing. Well see, when he missed he hold his head and says OH MAN!!!! It is so funny. I took a video and will try and get it uploaded to his youtube channel so be sure and check there for a video called OH MAN....

NOTE: Apple is having some server issues so all the photo stream pages may or may not work depending on if you are viewing them on a mobile device or a Laptop/desktop. You can view the photos on a mobile device currently but not a non mobile device, I guess they are working on a fix, int he mean time I have moved over Edward's May pictures to a different server until the issue is fixed. So in English, if you click on the May 2014 link you will be able to view all the pictures...

Well  goodnight

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Teacher of the Year, thanks Karen

Well Melissa received teacher of the year at her school and tonight the district had its annual recognition of her and others. We are so proud of her, below is a picture of her with our Superintendent  Dr. Bowers, who we actually worked with while we were teachers at Gifford C Cole middle school about 10 years ago, she was the principal.
After that we headed to pick up Edward and get home, as a former student of mine from my time at Cole was dropping off another breathing machine that she had when she was a kid, she asked if we wanted a back up and we of course said yes. I can just see Edward some day knocking his on the floor and breaking it right in the middle of a critical breathing treatment. So thanks again Karen N for dropping it off... Well that is it, oh when Edward got home he had a little snack of cheese balls, milk and about 9 slices of turkey, boy can that boy ever eat!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

low rider, updated photo page

Well tonight at OT, we had a make up session, Edward decided to try out the low rider tricycle. See picture below. He loved the tricycle. He doesn't have the hang of it, peddling yet, but he is getting better everyday.

WEBSITE UPDATE: I have updated the web site photo page. I have changed the lay out and have created 3 new photo pages, when you goto the photo page, and you will see what I am talking about.
Direct link to the new photo page is here :

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Church, Train and Ipad

Well we went to church again today and Edward went up for children's sermon and got a reward for going up from pastor Jeff, and banana flavored lolly pop. Edward also took holy communion again, well he dipped his bread in the juice but then gave it to mommy to eat.. Oh well he will figure it out sometime.
Edward also really started to play with his train, his Aunt Bette got him last summer, see picture below. He is riding it all over the house, it is so funny.
And finally, we finally got Edward an iPad mini, to practice different things hie therapist want him to practice, they use one during therapy. He loves it, every time I tired to update or restore an app, he tired to crawl over me to get to it. He also crawled all over mom to get to it..... See pictures below.

WEBSITE UPDATE. All the links should now work, I am not really in love with way the lay out of photo page  so look for an updated photo page layout coming soon...... Otherwise I hope everyone is enjoying the web site....

Saturday, May 17, 2014

New site is live

As you may already know, the new website is live. I have placed a link to the new site in his old site's home page. The blog link is in the menu bar. There are a few minor things that need to be updated but for the most part it is there. 
I hope you enjoy the new look. 


Friday, May 16, 2014

More fun

Well Edward had a make up of the evening, during the session he ran an obstacle course and got to play with shaving cream for the first time. He seemed to not be sure about the texture however he got over it fast, below are links to two videos from OT and a view photos of Edward having fun with shaving cream!!

NOTE: New Site should be live sometime this weekend, you may have to re bookmark, not sure yet, won't know until the new site is live...  - Playing with shaving cream - Running obstacle course

Thursday, May 15, 2014

OT great, new look

Well Edward had OT tonight and it went great. He is even starting to slide with his trunk up instead of sliding down like he is sliding into home plate. See picture below..

NOTE: Very important, in the next few days, will get a new look so you may have to update your bookmarks. The new site is about 70 % done. It will be streamlined so that finding content will be easier. Below is a sneak peek at the new home page,

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

blast from the past LAID BACK EDWARD

Well I finally received my last item that I bought Edward that I remember as a child. See pictures below, he seemed to like it more when there springs were not on it, but it will be only a matter of time before he gets it figured out.
After OT today, we went to Target to get a few things and we put Edward in the cart of course. It is so funny to watch him in his cart. He just puts his arm up and lays back and relaxes, it is so funny look at the picture below. Well goodnight.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

like father like son

Well Edward has sure taken a liking to his peddle fire truck that I bought online a few days ago... He loves it. See pictures below to see what I mean. I am trying to find a picture of me in the fire truck as well, but I have been unable to locate so far... Well that is it, Edward is doing so great... HE is so HAPPY!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Edward, Healthy Edward

Well we are just so happy that summer is almost here, because Edward has been so happy lately. Laughing at everything we do and he does. We can't wait to send the summer with this happy and healthy Edward. Below is a picture of happy Edward, outside of daycare this AM. Boy was he ever so happy.....

Sunday, May 11, 2014

We are home, new video

Well we are safely home from our trip to LegoLand, boy did we ever have fun. During brunch this AM, they passed out flowers to all the mother;s and Edward and mommy posed for a picture. See picture below.
I also upload a new video of Edward rocking it in the elevator. Note, the elevator plays disco music while you are riding it.


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Direct Link to News Story

Here is a direct link to the video about what happened at my school on Thursday

And the secret location is......

And the secret location of our family get away is....... 
See picture below.... Look for lots of pictures tomorrow night on

Side note, for anyone wanting to watch the news clip about the events that happened yesterday at my school , go to and search for the following: New Vista in the news

The video clip will come right up, one of my homeroom kids posted it. 

Goodnight from pool side waiting for the Lego Movie to start. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

One scary afternoon

First Edward is fine and doing great. We actually went to Chilli's to meet Melissa and a few if her colleagues before she had to return to school for open house. What made the day scary is what went down at my school during the last 2 periods of the day. Let me just say by the time it was all over, the AV press the local TV station and about 50 LA county deputies were at my school.

The whole story I am sure is on and,

The short version of what happen would be , during 7th period a student discovered an unauthorized male on our campus in one of the classrooms. The male took off after a teacher tired to question him. Not knowing who or were he was, the school contacted our school deputy who quickly contacted his colleagues and we were invaded by cops Our school went on lockdown while the cops, , with weapons drawn, cleared the campus. I could look out my window and see deputies in the parking lot with guns draw looking in out cars for the male. It was very scary. Thank goodness I was by myself as this happened during my free period. I had very littleknowledge  of what was going on and for a minute wondered if I would ever see Melissa or Edward again. After a intense 1 hour plus search we were cleared and they let the kids go home, but we were asked to escort the kids off campus. Later I was told by Melissa , whose school is across the street, that they had caught the male in the street between our schools. She later told me she had 90 kids in her room crying and affraid. I can't even imagine what those poor little kids were feeling. Her campus went on lockdown as well. 

So that is how my day ended. 

Tomorrow we head to the destination of out secret family get away. Look for full coverage all weekend on this blog.

Clue #2- the name of the place is two words both words are 4 letters. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turkey, video

Well when we got home tonight from school, Edward went running to his chair at the table. As soon he was in it, he tired to hook up his little tray so he could eat. I started giving him turkey slides (for sandwiches) and 15 pieces later he was done. Then he had some mashed potatoes and peas. Boy he must be growing....

Ok I got some what of a video of Edward doing the first part of the puzzle and as a bonus, I also got a video of him practicing his animal noises...links are below. Below there is also a picture of Edward chowing down on his turkey feast tonight...

Edward making animal noises :

Edward trying to do the puzzle :