Sunday, March 18, 2012

Edward visits the NICU

Well Edward went to the NICU to visit the doctors and nurses who helped him survive and get stronger. Edward also delivered another 2 boxes of books for the NICU library that Edward started for all the kids at the NICU .
Edward also went to see his uncle Hank and wish him a happy birthday!
Tomorrow Edward has 2 doctor's appointments so it will be an early day!

PLEASE Note: starting tomorrow afternoon will be switching servers. All you have to do is access the web site is type in and bookmark the new web address which is We will no longer be forwarding the web site to the location. (I will put up a redirect link at the old address tomorrow for those of you who have bookmarked the page)
Melissa and I also have email accounts on his website they are

I will also be posting a quick little video to show people with iPhones or iPad how they can get the app tomorrow.

Hope everyone is doing great

1 comment:

  1. Mr.Day this is Christina from Algebra , & i need your Email .
