Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Edward visits mommy

Well today Edward went to school to visit mommy and bring her lunch. He was sure happy to see her and of course we were happy to see her as well. (Below is a picture of Edward in one of mommy's chairs)
Edward also went to a spaghetti dinner to help the young marines that our friend Kim's son is part of. His favorite part is when the LA county fire showed up with there ladder truck to show to the kids. Did he ever go crazy!! Boy does he like fire trucks, he only has one toy fire truck but daddy will get him more when he gets a little older.

Bad news on the Kariya front, it is looking like more and more that we may have to put her to sleep, the vet just can't figure out was is wrong with her and we can't afford the vet bills, especially with Edward starting day care soon. Unfortunately since we of modest income, we are forced to choice between Edward and Kariya and Edward comes out ahead. We will miss little Kariya, that is unless the Vet calls Dr. House (for house on fox) and they can figure out what is wrong with her without it costing us another 1000 plus dollars. I just don't want to give up on her but we don't have the resources she needs unfortunately. I guess we are going to end up losing a son and two cats in one year . What a terrible year!!!

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