Friday, November 30, 2012

Resting up

Well we are all very tired so I have to make this short. Busy day tomorrow, have to get rental car for Disneyland trip in morning, then off to Xmas parade, then home to rest and wait for Noah to visit... Oh boy I am getting tired just reading it,,,,


Thursday, November 29, 2012

One day left

Well just one day left before the weekend... Lots to do this weekend. Noah another of Edward's buddy's from the NICU is coming over for a play date on Saturday. So look for pictures of that. And of course Sunday is the big trip to Disneyland to celebrate Edward's 1st anniversary of being home, we should have lots of fun showing Edward Mickey Mouse! So look for pictures of the Disney trip Sunday night or Monday on I will be actually creating a new page for all the Disney pictures!
Below is Edward in his newish towel I got for him last Christmas!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

First day all milk

Well today was Edward's first day on 100% whole milk only and he did great. Melissa actually picked him up from day care and took him to Kohl's were I guess he discovered himself in the big mirror and keep waving to himself.
Nothing else too big to report today, the picture below is Edward up on his knees playing with his table he has in the living room. Boy does he ever have a lot of toys and you should see all the stuff in the garage he is getting for Xmas. Not sure what we are going to do..

Anyway goodnight blog world

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One step forward two steps back

Well the good news is that after school today Edward did great at eating some of his baby cookies, in fact he loved them so much that he took a huge bite out of it, literally like 1/4 of the cookie in his mouth at once, and well you can probably figure out what happened guessed it he threw up.... Just too much in his mouth at once,,,, so I guess we try again tomorrow. Oh and the funny part of the whole thing is I just got done telling Melissa how happy I was and she was too that he had not thrown up in like a month or so... I guess I should have just kept my mouth shut.... Oh we'll next time I guess...... Goodnight

Monday, November 26, 2012

Off to another week

Well off to work for another week. According to Melissa Edward had a really hard time saying goodbye today. He started to cry a lot as she said goodbye, it really broke her heart, I guess he really liked be home with us. Oh well we only have 19 more work days left till christmas!!! This weekend is the Christmas parade in Lancaster and on Sunday We head off to Disneyland to celebrate the One year anniversary of Edward coming home ! Boy has time gone by fast!

Oh below is a picture Melissa took of Edward helping out with the lights on Saturday.. He sure was a great helper!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Last day together and off to Chuck e cheese

Well today we spent our last day together , boy were did the time go. We spent the time at home playing and relaxing. Then tonight at 4pm we headed off to chuck e cheese for Luke Barber's 3rd birthday. Boy did Edward ever have fun with his buddy, see pictures below.
Well time to get back on the school schedule for everyone, so goodnight. Only 4 weeks till winter break!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Play date and lights up

Well first today we decorated the outside of our house so we are officially decorated for the holidays. Thanks to Melissa and Edward for all their help! See picture below of our house.
Edward also had a play date with Alex today, they were having lots of fun, see below, until they decided to have a crying contest, first Edward started then Alex tried to out do him, oh boy, not sure who the winner was on that. Well tomorrow is our last day of vacation, were did the ten days go?
Oh I have failed to mention in this blog that after we went to see Edward's doctor last week we have started ,with approval from the doctor, transitioning him from formula to whole milk only. So far so good, tomorrow he will be on 2 oz of formula and 6 oz of milk, oh did I mention to tell you that ever since we started to put just a little milk in his bottle he has started to drink the whole bottle. 8-9oz! Oh boy is Edward growing up to fast!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas tree goes up

Well today Edward had his grandma Campbell over so we could put up our Christmas tree. See pictures below. Edward sure does love all the lights. Edward also seems to learn something new everyday, today he discovered his swinging baseball on one of his toys. Edward also said a lot of... Not sure see to see if you can figure it out.I have also uploaded lots of photos from thanksgiving so go check out the holiday picture page at
Tomorrow we are decorating the outside of the house and Edward has a play date with Alex, his buddy from the NICU. So look for pictures of that tomorrow night.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Well we just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. We had a very busy one.
In the morning we went over to the NICU to bring them thanksgiving dinner to all the parents over there that might not have time to cook there own. Ashley helped, Alex's mom. The parent were very appreciative which made us feel really good inside as we know how it feels to spend Thanksgiving in the NICU.
When we got home, we had our own little Thanksgiving dinner with Melissa's mom. Edward tried some potatoes and squash but made the funniest face when he tasted both if them. We then gave him some turkey and sweet potato purée which he loved.
Next we brought thanksgiving dinner over to our friend Pat, she was so appreciative to get thanksgiving dinner!
Finally we came home, gave Edward a bath some cereal and off to dreamland he went. What a day, no shopping on Black Friday for this house, time to goto bed.... Goodnight everyone.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Edward eats solids

Today Edward ate his first solid! Hurray! His doctor told us to start off a little at a time, and well we started with ritz crackers. See picture below.
I also spent the day working out the bugs of his new holiday themed web site. If you book marked the page you will have to make a new bookmark, sorry. Just type in to be redirected.

Tonight in our week of thanks, we want to thank all our family members and friends who came running to be with us when the boys were first born. Thank you to, Bonnie and Greg Waters, my mom, Marianna Mafnas, Hank and Natalie Barber, Pastor Jeff and the Heljm. Also thank you to Pat McDowell who went into full production of much needed items as soon as the boys were born. Thank you to you all for being there from the very beginning. updated

Ok after along night is now updated for the holiday's.
please note you may have to updated your bookmarks. Just type in to be directed to new site.

Also lots more videos have been uploaded to his channel on you tube. Just click on the link on the home page of

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Updated web site

Well as I write this is currently being updated for xmas. Go check it out!!! I have also uploaded all the Xmas pictures we had taken at Sears on Monday. Go check them out on the Christmas picture page on
Tonight Edward tried to escape the living room, check out the photos below.

Today we would like to thank all those people who came to be with us as William was passing. Thank you, you made a difficult situation a little easier so thank you. I hope I remember everyone, ok here goes , thank you to my mom and dad, my two sisters, John, Denise, Abby and Sadie Campbell, John and Sheryl Campbell, paster Jeff, Debbie Salter, Dr. Lipsky, Nurse Kim, Diane Nagy, Debbie Lewis, and Mary Ellen Campbell. Thank you for making a difficult situation a little easier.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Busy day

Well we had a very busy day, first Edward's doctor appointment and his new weight is........ Drum roll please.... 18 pounds 4 oz. that means Edward has nearly gain 17 pounds from the day he was born.
Next we headed home, grabbed Edward's Christmas outfit and headed to the mall to get Christmas pictures down, see a sample below.
After that we headed home, grabbed a gift we had for Dr. Benoit, a at risk birth doctor we were seeing when Melissa was pregnant with the boys. He was also there when the boys were born. He was so glad to see Edward, see picture of the two of them together.
Finally we headed home for good....
Tomorrow is a little easier with just physical therapy in the morning at the house.

During this week of Thanksgiving we want to take a moment each night in this blog to thanks those people who have made the last year a little easier.
Today we want to thank all the doctors nurses and RTs that helped Edward beat all the odds. From Dr. T to Dr. Lipsky to Dr. Benoit, Dr. Mor, Dr. Baker, Dr. Karrana (sp?), Dr. Parks, Dr. O , Dr. Edralin and of course Dr. Waters. To all the others nurse Kim, nurse Vanessa and all the other Nicu nurses and RT's Thanks for helping Edward survive... We will never forget you!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let vacation begin

Well first I am feeling much better, and it is being to look a lot like Xmas around the Day's house. Check out for photos and see a sample below. Tomorrow we are off to see Edward's regular doctor for his 15 month check up so we will have a new weight and height tomorrow.
Edward also asked me to make his web site more festive for the holidays so look for a new and improve in the next few days.

Hope everyone is doing great.... Goodnight blog world.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nothing new dad sick

Well, have to make this quick, today I spend most of the day laying down as I thought I was going to throw up. Edward is doing great, his dad not so much.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Let vacation begin

Well our one week off is here!!!! Hurray I am so excited!!!! Lots to do during our off time. Pictures with Santa, ice skating at the mall! Decorate for Xmas, and oh enjoy time as a little family of 3....
Oh boy time to rest up for the busy week ahead

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Another trip to the GI doctor and a new pet

Well today after school we took Edward to see his GI doctor in regards to his eating issues. The doctor told us that he thinks Edward is just going to out grow it and to just give it more time. He wants to see Edward in another 2 months. In the mean time we have been told to try Edward on some basic solids again to see how he reacts, and just take it slow..
After the GI doctor we headed the mall so Edward could use his build a bear gift card he got for his birthday, and well he got a "new pet" ...Rudolph the red noise rain deer!!!! See pictures below of Edward helping stuff and make the bar!!!!
Only one more day to go before our one week off!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One long day

Well this has been one long day . Got woken up at 5:30am by Melissa asking me to run to Walgreens to get something for her bad diarrhea, then she started throwing up but she went to school anyway, she had parent conferences????
It ended with me finally returning home well after 6pm after I finished a marathon 4+ hours of conferences.
I only got to see Edward for about one hour before it was ready to feed him cereal and send him off to dreamland.
One interesting note today is that Edward crawled all over his daycare Room. Today was the first day back since he really took off crawling this past weekend. Boy does he ever take off, so you can't look away for one second!!!
Well goodnight

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Edward plays

Well Edward must be better he played all day with Pat and when I got home I was chasing him around the living room from toy to toy... He recently discovered his sports set he got for his birthday, see picture below and his table to help him stand up. He did not stand up at it today but he got up on his knees to check out all the toys on it, see picture below.
Website note: as I stayed in a previous post, I will be this weekend transferring all the videos I have and have made if Edward to the boys YouTube channel. To get there just click on the link on the home page of
I will also be redoing some pages as some pages like Legoland 2011 are a little outdated, so look for lots of new content next week when I finally have time to do something.
Long day tomorrow, we both have parent teacher conferences, Melissa before and after school til about 4pm and mine from about 1:20-5:45. Long day tomorrow....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ok finished fencing Edward getting better

Well Edward continues to improve but since we are both very cautious when it comes to Edward we are going to keep him out of day care one more day. Thanks again auntie Pat for watching him tomorrow.
Since Edward is now crawling all over we went and bought more fencing at toy r us so we could fence off the part of the office/playroom we don't want him in and so we could keep him out of the book selves and lamps in the living room. You can see a picture of our new improved living room, as you can tell Edward has really taken over our r living room and house.
Well only four more works days before we have a whole week off.... Come on Friday get here already !!!

Getting better

Well Edward continues to get better. Edward is still not at 100 percent but is much better than he was. Today we spend the day watching football together. (See picture below). He was very unhappy as you can tell from the picture because our team lost 37-3. He also got a chance to video chat three times today. He chatted with his aunt and uncle in Fresno, his aunt and uncle in Potsdam and finally with his aunt, uncle and cousins in Pennsylvania. He was showing how well he can crawl now and how much he loves to play with my computer keyboard ( see picture below) well goodnight everyone.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Edward gets better

Well Edward did much better today. He actually stayed up the whole day and played and ate, yesterday he slept a lot trying to fight off his cold. Today we started him back on 1/2 strength formula as instructed by his doctor. Melissa also gave him some apple banana mixture for night time snack that he ate right up. Tomorrow we are going to go back to full strength formula and a little more fruits but just take it slow.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Let the weekend begin

Well let the weekend begin... Today we took Edward to see the doctor, he told us to give him Advil and Tylenol. Rotate every three hours until the fever is gone. He also told us that it should be gone in 3-5 days... Oh boy. He also told us not to give him anymore diary. So no formula. He is getting pedelite or as I call it baby Gatorade. He really lives it so far....
Our good friend Pat watched him today so we could both work. Thanks again Pat.
Well time to get some sleep

Thursday, November 8, 2012

A day home

Well today I spent the day home with Edward. Well I actually just watched him sleep most of the time.
Tomorrow a good friend is going to come and watch Edward. We still want to give it another day before we have him return to day care.
Update to his web site. The video page is no more. I have created a new page called Edward crawling with video of him crawling. After today. All new video content will be uploaded to the dry channel on you tube. Just click on the link on the main page of
I will actually be adding all the videos I have of both the boys so you can look back a reminisce if you would like.
Below is a picture of Edward this am.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Edward is Sick

Well went tonight to check on Edward and he had thrown up in his crib and had a 104 temp. Gave him baby tylenol and got the temp down to 102... I get to spent time with Edward tomorrow as I am the "Sick day" parent since I have over 25 days and Melissa only has 5 she can take....

Goodnight. Will update the blog tomorrow with Edward's progress...

Early Christmas Miracle???

When I wrote the entry about prop 30 no passing it was down 53-47 and everything I read said people would not pass a measure that would tax themselves. Well something happened while we were sleeping because when we got up not only did prop 30 pass, our district's bond measure did to which means we are getting back a few furrow days!!!!
We are both in shock!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Edward Crawls at Day care our worst fear cones true

Well today when Melissa took Edward to day care, she but him on the floor and he took off.. All the way across the room... That is about the only  good thing that happen today...

As for our worst fear: Well as I write this it looks like Prop 30 will fail, thus causing both of us to take a HUGE pay cut ( we well lose an entire pay check) and we both have no idea what we are going to do. We both talked tonight about leaving the state and moving back east as we both don't think we can afford to live here anymore and just giving the bank our house. We just have no idea what to do..

I am sorry if I sound depressed because we both are very..... We are both almost ready to cry as we want the very best for Edward but can't afford at this point to give it to him...

Sorry just really upset about the whole thing...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Edward crawls a lot bug day tomorrow

Well I am so proud of Edward, tonight while we were face timing with grandma and grandpa Day in Florida, placed Edward about ten feet away from the computer and guess who went crawling right up to the computer... Edward. And every time I moved him away he went back again... He keep trying to get to them, he just don't understand that he can't go through the computer screen to get to them....

Tomorrow as everyone knows is a big day in CA. If prop 30 fails then triggers would be triggered that would cut educational funding by 6 billion dollars. Which would cost teachers who can barely make ends meet a whole pay check and the prospect of losing things that they can't afford anymore because of lose of income (house,car etc).
I would hope everyone in California would put there differences aside and vote Yes on 30 to help support our kids and teachers who are trying to make a difference in their lives.
Sorry for the "Political Message Above" Melissa and I are just very worried about what we will do it the prop does not pass.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another busy Sunday

Well we left our house at 9:30 am and didn't return until 4:30pm. First we had church then off to Alex's birthday and after that a grocery shop.
Boy are we ever tired and of course the stress of the coming election doesn't really help.
Well another busy day at work tomorrow, below are a few pictures from Alex's party today.... Goodnight

Another busy day

Well we had another busy day. First we went to the parade, I have uploaded the pictures of the parade and Edward waving to everyone to and click on the photo page.
After that we were on our way home when Dr. Lipsky texted Melissa, she is a doctor at the NICU, wanting us to come right over to talk to a family who just lose one of their twins yesterday. We sat down with the family , shared a cry and told them if they needed anything please ask. We are trying to give people the support we wish we had. We told them that if anyone ever says they know how you feel or it will get easier they are lying. You can't really imagine how emotional it is to watch your son die in your arms. That is a moment we will never forget.

On another note, Melissa and are a little worried about the coming election, if Prop 30 does not pass, the state has told all the school districts they are going to cut more funding, making all the school close 15 days earlier and costing us a whole month of pay. We are barely making it now, we have no idea were we are going to get 8000 dollars from if the prop does not pass.
But that is our problem.. Sorry to vent, just a little worried...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Busy weekend ahead

Well we have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow we are off to the parade so look for pictures of that tomorrow night.
Nothing really exciting to report, Edward still is barely crawling to reach toys, still waiting on him to become all out mobile...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another day

Well not too much happened today. Melissa got to spent lots of time with Edward after school as I had to stay for tutoring until 4:20 and then had to make copies, didn't get home till 5. Oh well at least tomorrow is Friday with another busy weekend ahead.
We are going to a parade on Saturday in Lancaster, then on Sunday church in the morning and Alex's big birthday celebration in the afternoon.
Well time to rest up. Goodnight