Monday, November 5, 2012

Edward crawls a lot bug day tomorrow

Well I am so proud of Edward, tonight while we were face timing with grandma and grandpa Day in Florida, placed Edward about ten feet away from the computer and guess who went crawling right up to the computer... Edward. And every time I moved him away he went back again... He keep trying to get to them, he just don't understand that he can't go through the computer screen to get to them....

Tomorrow as everyone knows is a big day in CA. If prop 30 fails then triggers would be triggered that would cut educational funding by 6 billion dollars. Which would cost teachers who can barely make ends meet a whole pay check and the prospect of losing things that they can't afford anymore because of lose of income (house,car etc).
I would hope everyone in California would put there differences aside and vote Yes on 30 to help support our kids and teachers who are trying to make a difference in their lives.
Sorry for the "Political Message Above" Melissa and I are just very worried about what we will do it the prop does not pass.

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