Friday, May 31, 2013

First day of speech

Well Edward had a great first day of speech , he was animated and even said Bababa when he wanted to play with a ball. He knew what give me meant, and he showed off his mocking ability. He also showed them how he can throw backwards.... We told them they might want to wear helmets. 
Busy weekend ahead so look for more pictures on his photo stream and photo page in the coming days . Only two more weeks of school with kids!!!! Hurray..... 

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Well Edward had another great OT session. Today he ate, scramble eggs, cheese, frozen yogurt and of course his favorite food, cheese puffs. He is getting really good at eating cheese puffs. 
Nothing else really new.... Hope everyone is doing great.... 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Learning to catch

Edward actually started to catch the ball when we threw to him at OT. He is also getting better at throwing it back, it only goes like a foot, but at least he is trying to throw it in the correct direction,
I have more video of Edward walking, I know old news, but every time he does it we get so excited... So go check out his you tube channel for the videos. Wind is finally starting to calm down, so hopefully we won't wake up in OZ. well goodnight 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Speak assessment in

Well we have the results of Edward's speak assessment and they are..... He tested at 15 months in one category and 16 months in the other. Pretty good, but remember  Edward is 20 months. So his case worker and MAIN therapist have recommended speak and we said.. YES of course. As many of you know the first 3 years of Edward's life are so important developmentally, and we are doing everything possible to help him develop. Some day we can look back on all this and tell Edward we did everything on our power to help him.
Well today Edward tried to feed himself at the table and I have video to prove it. Click the following link to check it out or goto Edward's youtube channel:

On quick funny story. We had very very strong winds in Lancaster today, according to the news, 40 + MPH. When I was walking Edward out to the car today, he got knock over by the wind so I had to carry him, poor boy might have carried him away to OZ. When I placed Edward's lunch box and back pack down to put him in the car, the lunch box took off across the parking lot, so Edward and I ran after it, and grabbed it about 30 feet away... Boy is the wind ever strong. In an unrelated story, the 14, the main highway through the Antelope Valley, was closed this afternoon due to low visibility. Remember, we live in the dessert, so when the wind picks up, it looks like a brown "blizzard".

Well hopefully our house is still here in the morning, put you never know, we might wake up in OZ.

Great Memorial Day

We had a great Memorial Day. Grandma Campbell came over and Edward showed her how is loves to run around the house with his walker... Oh boy, wait till he decides to let go, we might not be able to catch him.
Edward did have another visitor as Nurse Kim stopped by to see him, if you recall she was his Primary Nurse while Edward was in the NICU.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Well Edward and I had a great day. We had so much fun, playing puzzles, playing chase inside and out and wrestling. Note Edward is really good at wrestling, he is still undefeated, some day maybe he will let me win.
Out of all the fun, came one moment that, truly, made me cry. Edward and I were outside and we were playing the do what I do game. I do something and Edward repeats it, he loves this game. I shook my head and he shook his, I stuck out my tongue and he followed, then I said dada dada and instead of saying dada guess what he did.. Pointed at me. I did it again and he pointed again. Then I tried to trick him so I said mama mama and he started looking around, I guess for mama. Then I said dada dada again and he pointed at me. It made me start to cry, our boy is so smart....
I tried to get video, but of course he won't do it for the camera....I will try again tomorrow

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fun at the wedding

Well  we all had a great time at the wedding today. Edward actually lasted through the wedding in the church this time. A few weeks back at the riverside wedding he only lasted about 5 mins. Mommy sure got Edward dressed up for the wedding. see some pictures below. Tomorrow, Mommy is taking grandma to Target for the day so it is a BOYS ONLY DAY... Only really exciting planned yet, but I am sure Edward will come up with something to do.. I promise he will. Well that is it.. Goodnight

Friday, May 24, 2013

First day of a long weekend

Well we had a great first day together as we begin our 4 day weekend together. We have nothing planned and we are going no were.... Well we do have a wedding to goto tomorrow but it is only in Palmdale so it really doesn't count. We sure do love spending time together as a family.
We did go over to the nursing home today to see Grandma Campbell. She is always so happy to see him. We went outside at the nursing home and Melissa and I sat down on the grass and showed her how he can walk back and forth between us.. She was so happy....

Well that is it.. Below you will see the shirt Melissa put on Edward, I think it is definitely true...

The shirt says One of a Kind...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Anther Great OT session

Edward had a great OT session today. He is really beginning to eat his cheese puffs and other foods well. Today we introduced him to scramble eggs, which is was not so sure about. He gives you this weird look when he is not so sure if he likes something or not, it is so funny. After eating at OT Edward got a chance to play a little, well directed play. His therapist continues to work on walking with Edward, which is is getting more and more confident at. Today at therapy he let go and walked about 6 feet to his mommy, who is was so excited to get a bug hug from. We also worked on throwing objects forward which he is getting a little better at but again watch out if you are behind him. Well that is all for tonight, goodnight.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Great OT

Edward had a great OT session today, he ate some goat cheese by himself and seemed to like it. I guess we can add goat cheese to foods Edward likes. After eating time we got to play a little. His therapist is trying, with our help, to get Edward to throw objects forward. Edward can throw things really well backwards. If you are ever around him and behind him, you may want to duck.
Edward also walked a little more a OT, go check out his You Tube channel for the video.

Edward's allegory doctor's appointment went great... HE IF ALL CLEARED UP!!!! HURRAY!! NO more breathing treatments or medicine!! We are medicine free for the time being.... Well that is all the good news for tonight... Goodnight...

Edward getting better

Well as I write this, Edward is back in day care and I am back at work. Which you think should be a good thing, but not in this case. Edward is doing great, however I am not. Edward, somehow during the course of the past 2 days, managed to pass along to me what he had.. Oh goody, just in time for a long weekend, me getting sick. I actually feel worse today than I felt yesterday but hopefully I will start to feel better soon.
Ok enough about that, on to Edward news, which is why you read this blog in the first place. Yesterday during PT, his therapist came to our house, Edward walked over 5 feet by himself before he remember he was walking and went down to the ground. The therapist told us that he just needs to get his confidence up. She told us to just walk with him hand and hand as much as possible to help him gain confidence. Melissa actually walked with him all the way down to our mail box and back and I guess he did great. So we are what many people are calling "on borrowed time" before he is running all over the place, which we can't wait to see and share with everyone. Well that is it for know. I will try and blog again tonight if I am feeling better and give everyone an update on Edward's allegory doctor's appointment today. However if there is no blog then I am apologize as that means I am getting worse.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Long night on Sunday, Edward sick again

Well just when we thought that we were out of the woods in terms of "Colds and Virus" for the season Edward get sick again. On Sunday night he was running a temp of over 102, which we could get under control with the help of babu Tylenol, however it would only last about 2 hours before it would rise again. So Monday, I took the day off, and took Edward to see the doctor, again. Well come to find out, 1 Edward has a viral infection, 2 we were not giving him the correct dosage of medicine, we were only giving him 3.75 ML when he has graduated to 5 ML, and 3 this might last for up to 5 days... Oh boy this might be a long few days. He seemed much better today and tonight, well so far, but only time will tell. The doctor did tell me to give him baby tyenol and Children's Advil everey 3 hours, rotate them through out the day, and that really seemed to help, but the true test will be tonight and if the temperature comes back. Oh no Edward is crying here we go, have to go..


Sunday, May 19, 2013

We are home safe

We are home safe and sound. We are so glad to be back in our bed.....we celebrated by hooking Edward's  new bubble machine, go check out you tube for a new video, well Edward's you tube channel. Well nothing else exciting going on, so good night. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Great Weekend in Vegas

Well, first sorry for the lack of blog last night, we were driving in to Las Vegas to see Melissa's brother, who is out here on business. Today we had a great time, we went to breakfast at IHOP and then spent the rest of the day playing in the pool at the hotel, since we are not on the strip there is actually no one at the pool. Go check out his you tube channel for a video of him walking in the pool. (Or you can just click the link below)

Also remember to check out his Photo Album page and click on the May 2013 photo album for pictures from Las Vegas.... Edward's first trip to Vegas...

Well not sure if I will get a chance to blog tomorrow as we will be driving back to Lancaster (about a 5 hour drive with stops)

Well goodnight.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Edward walks a little more

Well today as I picked Edward up at daycare, I decided something. I decided that Edward and I are going to walk out to the car together. So I picked him up, carried him down the ramp that leads up to him classroom, and put him down on his feet. I grabbed his hand and we slowly walked hand in hand all the way out to the car, I was so happy to be walking with MY SON, I started crying. He of course thought the whole thing was fun, as he laughed and smiled the whole way. However I like to think that he was smiling because he was happy to be walking with his dad......


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lots of new videos

Well exciting news tonight at OT, Edward likes Humus,,, I don't really care for it, but he does. He also got a little of play time tonight at OT, and he really loved it.. He actually walked a few more time and I have the video to prove it... Goto Edwards You Tube channel or click the following two links... Enjoy, Well goodnight...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Great news, new video

Well first the good news. Today at ok Edward ate turkey, well turkey breast that you would put on a sandwich.,we are so excited... Now he can eat mash potatoes and turkey. I think he is almost ready for thanksgiving. 
I uploaded 2 new videos, one of him eating turkey at OT and the other of him and I have our nighty water fight. I am not sure who won..... You tell me.... 

Oh Edward also walked a little more at OT but no new video.  Will try to shot another video in the next few days..... 
Well goodnight 
Oh the picture below is Edward eating vanilla cue cream at the mall yesterday. Forgot to tell you that he like ice cream too.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pictures uploaded and a funny story

Well I final off loaded the pictures from our Riverside adventure. You can find them in the May 2013 photo album on Edward's photo page. Below you will see s few samples. One of Edward and one fo Alex walking down the aisle...

Ok here is a funny story. Today after school, Edward and I were in the living room and I was just taking a quick break for a minute, when Edward crawls up next to me, stands up and hands me a book and then reaches his arms out to be picked up. I guess he was trying to tell me something. So I grabbed the book and took him, sat him on my lap, and we had a little reading time. Oh how I must enjoy these times because he is getting so big so fast.....

Well that is it for know, goodnight all, and remember to go check out the new pictures!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Well look for lots of pictures to be uploaded to tomorrow. I was way too bust today to do it. New video however added to his you tube channel. Well sorry to make this short, but goodnight 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Great day in riverside

We had a great time at the wedding today. We took most of the pictures on the camera that I have no hooked up to the computer yet, since Edward has taken over the computer while we are here, long story. 
Below are a few pictures at the wedding and Edward starring out the window. 
Also go check out his you tube for a few videos I took in here in Riverside....

Happy Early Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

OT therapy

Edward is doing great tonight at OT. He is really hungry. He was so hungry that he grabbed for the food he wanted out of his OT therapy bag that we bring to therapy. He sure wanted his new cheese puffs mom bought him. 
See picture below and go check out his you tube channel for another video of him eating at OT. 
Tomorrow , their may be no blog as we are traveling to Riverside tomorrow night, so we can attend Alex's parents wedding on Saturday morning. ( Alex is a baby we went while we were at the NICU, We have become really good friends with his parents)
. So again, no blog but look for lots of pictures from the wedding on Saturday.  Well goodnight .

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A good day

Well,Edward had a good day today. He did ok ok at therapy, even bough he still doesn't seem to want to eat solids all the time. We just don't know what to do sometimes are we are so grateful for all the therapy the doctors have requested for us to have . Below is a picture of Edward at OT therapy tonight, I also uploaded a video of him talking and eating during OT today, so go check out his you tube channel. 

Before I sign off tonight, a quick story. Today during his vision therapy, his therapist ask Edward to show her,a monkey, I guess their are different animals on the wall in the room at day care he goes into for therapy. Well instead of pointing at the wall, Edward headed over to her toy bag. I guess she carries a toy that is a monkey in there. As he started digging for it, the therapist told Melissa, "Edward must be looking for the toy monkey but I don't have in there anymore, I just took it out". Just as she was ready to grab him away from her bag, he magically took our the monkey , that she thought was not in there, and handed it to here . She had a shocked look on her face Melissa said. I just think that he is one very smart kid. 

How is that for a story....

Well goodnight .

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Breaking News

Well we have breaking news.... It is official.... EDWARD IS WALKING.... Go to his you tube channel to check out the video or click on the following link...

It all started today at daycare , when I was told after his PT therapy, his therapist put him down on the floor on his feet and he walked 5 feet to his teacher!!!! HURRAY. I almost cried when they told me. When I got him home I tired myself and got him to walk a few steps, but when mom came home. he really took off, see the video for details. We would have never been able to do this with out all his greatest therapist. We are so thankful that he is catching up so fast.. We can't imagine were we would be with out all of his therapys. We are so grateful for all the people that are on TEAM EDWARD...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Another good day

Well Edward had another good day. Nothing really exciting today to report. Just a baby opps I mean boy who keeps getting so big. We hope you enjoyed the cowboy pictures... He just loves to get his picture taken... Well sorry to make this short, but have nothing really new to report tonight so goodnight

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ok the surprise is ready

Ok after a technical delay last night, it is now ready... Go check out the following page:

You will see exactly what I am talking about. FYI, we had pictures taken on Saturday at JC Penneys!!!

Well we had a great weekend with Edward. Yesterday, of course we spend time at the mall, and today we went to church for the first time since Edward got sick for the second time. We figured out how to get Edward together the service with out being fussy. Let him sleep! He feel asleep right after the children's sermon and woke up as we were putting him in the car.... Other than that, nothing else really exciting happening here. It has gotten cold again her. Melissa looked online and I guess it is warmer in Potsdam NY than Lancaster CA, figure that one out.. Below is a preview of the pictures...ENJOY

Saturday, May 4, 2013

One more night

Well you will have to wait at least one more day for the big surprise. Sorry some technical issues. Can't say much more without giving it away, so sorry .

Friday, May 3, 2013

Out to dinner

Well we took hair cut tonight and then we went out to dinner. Go check out his you tube channel for a video of Edward at the restaurant, kind of funny. And well you can probably guess what happened next... He fell asleep, she picture below.. Poor little guy... He was sure tired. I will have a big surprise for everyone on tomorrow night's blog... JUST WAIT AND SEE...


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Good news

Well good news, the allergy doctor seems to think Edward does not have any allergies. It is just a bad infection. He made the conclusion based off the fact that the sinus infection is almost all gone, in the mist of allergy season!!!! Hurray, hopefully this has also cleared his ears up too, so we can avoid the tubes as well!!!' Go Edward go!!!! Edward is currently (as I write this) having OT therapy and he seems to be doing great with that as well.... Well that is it..., lots of good news to share!!!!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Great few days

Well Edward had a great few days, he just does new things everyday. For example today we put him in. Ball pit after his OT therapy at the center. He seemed to not like it very much then at the end wanted to dive right in. See some photos below. Edward also showed off for his OT therapist by eating his potatoes for her.. She was so impressed. He also showed off by walking with her with one hand. He is doing so good, walking with just holding onto one hand.... So we must be very close.,..., well that is it for tonight, check out Edward's you tube channel for a new video of his new toy .. Enjoy