Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Speak assessment in

Well we have the results of Edward's speak assessment and they are..... He tested at 15 months in one category and 16 months in the other. Pretty good, but remember  Edward is 20 months. So his case worker and MAIN therapist have recommended speak and we said.. YES of course. As many of you know the first 3 years of Edward's life are so important developmentally, and we are doing everything possible to help him develop. Some day we can look back on all this and tell Edward we did everything on our power to help him.
Well today Edward tried to feed himself at the table and I have video to prove it. Click the following link to check it out or goto Edward's youtube channel:


On quick funny story. We had very very strong winds in Lancaster today, according to the news, 40 + MPH. When I was walking Edward out to the car today, he got knock over by the wind so I had to carry him, poor boy might have carried him away to OZ. When I placed Edward's lunch box and back pack down to put him in the car, the lunch box took off across the parking lot, so Edward and I ran after it, and grabbed it about 30 feet away... Boy is the wind ever strong. In an unrelated story, the 14, the main highway through the Antelope Valley, was closed this afternoon due to low visibility. Remember, we live in the dessert, so when the wind picks up, it looks like a brown "blizzard".

Well hopefully our house is still here in the morning, put you never know, we might wake up in OZ.

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