Monday, June 30, 2014

Another fun day, web site fixed and updated for ios

Well we had another fun day, Edward had 3 hours of therapy, that went really well. As Edward approaches 3 years old and we get ready to leave Looking Forward we were reminded by the Developmental Specialist as Cedars Sinai hospital that the only reason Edward is doing so well is because of how aggressive we have been with getting Edward all the therapy that he needs, and will continue to need in order to bridge the gap. Edward is still behind but is catching up to all the other kids. I forgot to mention that about his Cedars appointment, sorry it has been a little busy around here.
Onto the website, it is now fixed so you can view it on any mobile device and if you have an iPhone or iPad, you can make a short cut to Edward's website by clicking on either the square an arrow pointing straight up that is on the top left of the page on the iPad or on the the bottom in the middle on the iPhone (The icon might look slightly different if you are running an older version of iOS. Below are two images of what you are looking for, the first is the newer one and the second is the older one). If you manage to do this you will see that had a custom ion. (It took me all of nap time to figure out how to do this) enjoy and goodnight.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

More help has arrived and Edward is inventive

Well today more helped arrive to help us with Edward while Melissa is out of the line up. Melissa's Aunt Bette arrived from Potsdam for 2 weeks to help out, thanks so much. Edward ran over to her when he saw her to give her a hug.
Later, when we went outside, Aunt Bette decided to help Edward mow the lawn, see picture below. Edward also figured out how to make a better water slide for his slide, see picture below. Edward also tired to figure out how to use the swing by himself, her is a video of the moment :

Don't forget to check Edward's June 2014 photo album for a lot of new pictures and look for the July photo album starting on Tuesday

WEBSITE UPDATE: If anyone has tired to get on via their iPhone, the issue has been fixed and you should once again be able to view from your iPhone.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Mommy and Edward bonding, goodbye

Well Edward's great aunt and cousin headed back to Fresno on Friday, thanks again for helping us out while Mekissa was in the hospital . Thank you both. 
Well we found away for mommy and Edward to bond alittle. Well two ways. One way is to read books with Edward while she is sitting up and the other way is to have some cuttle time when it is nap time. See pictures below. Well off to bed...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Haircut, mom doing better

Well today we took Edward to the mall for his haircut and he actually sat in the chair like a big boy, see pictures below. He was having so much fun. after we took him to McDonalds to get a happy meal. He was so happy.

Melissa update, she is feeling better each day, she took a longer walk today outside... We can't wait until she is feeling 100% again...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Everything great

Well everything is getting back to "normal" at the day house. Melissa is home from the hospital and Edward almost jumped out of his skin when he saw her. He has been looking around for her the past few days, trying to figure out were she went. Melissa is still in pain and Edward of course want mommy to carry him around the house, which she can't do, but what they can do together is lay in the hospital bed we have in our living room. Edward actually feel asleep tonight with mom in the bed and I grabbed him and put him back in his bed. I just hope he sleeps through the night... Well goodnight.

Mommy and Edward doing great

Well first an Edward update, he is doing great! He just loves hangin out with his Aunt and cousin!!!! He just loves all the attention!!!! Below are a few pictures of him having a great time!!! Thanks again Greg and aunt Bonnie for helping out! 
Now a Mekissa update!!!! We just got the word!!!! She is coming home!!! I am heading down at 9am to get her, I know one little boy who will be extra excited to see her!!!! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Edward had a fun day, Melissa home by Wednesday?

Well first, Melissa might be home by Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed. She is doing so well!!! We are so excited.
Edward had such a fun day, I guess he played all day with his cousin Greg, and even took a field trip or 2 with his sitters. Below are a few pictures they took today and send to the hospital for me to show Melissa. Well need to get to bed, had another long drive to LA tomorrow. I don;t know how people make that drive everyday?

Off to LA

Well Aunt Bonnie and cousin Greg have arrived to help take care of Edward while I am in LA. The plan is for me to stay with Melissa tonight and then drive back to Lancaster tomorrow and head back on Wednesday to hopefully bring her home. Only time will tell.
Edward knows something is up but lives all the extra attention he is getting, this morning aunt Bonnie gave Edward the variety dish of cereal . Thanks again aunt Bonnie and cousin Greg for helping out. I will update this blog when I know more about Melissa and surgery. Wish us luck. 

Friday, June 20, 2014


Well we moved Melissa today to her new school while Edward played with his baby sitter and buddy Dillion see pictures below and on his June 2014 photo album page. Tomorrow we clean and then his great Aunt and 2nd cousin arrive to help take care of Edward as I drive Melissa down to LA for surgery.  
Another busy day tomorrow 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Great News, counting

As you can read in the previous post on this blog, Edward's CF test was negative.. We found out this AM!!! To celebrate the good news Edward and I decided to practice counting to 10. Check out the youtube video... Here is the link :

Big day tomorrow, we move Melissa from her current school to her new school... Need to rest up... goodnight

CF test results in

Negative!!! He does not have CF!!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hearing aids here we come

Well LA Children's hospital said it will take about 2-3 weeks to get hearing aids once we have out ENT write the prescription for them, but we have to find out if he is CCS panel approved. (Long story). 
Edward is in great spirits as we await the results of his CF test. We will know sometime tomorrow morning. We are hopeful but on edge. 
Below is a picture of Edward eating and drinking on our way home from his ABR test. 
IF ANYONE IS HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE WEB SITE, I apologize . GODADDY IS HABING SERVER PRIBLEMS. (His web site is hosted by the site seems to work on computers and laptops put not iPhones. They are working on a fix 

ABR test

Edward stayed asleep!!! Hurray, thanks to mommy, she gave him the sleepy time medicine very slowly. 
Waiting to see what our next step is. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Teaching, off to LA

Well today when we went to bring lunch over to Melissa (she is switching schools so she has been packing up her things), Edward discovered the letters Melissa had in her room and started to teach us letters, see picture below and goto Edward's YouTube channel to see a video of it, here is the link : (this is the youtube appreciated link

Well after a long day of packing we headed off to LA to prepare to report to LA Children's hospital in the morning for Edward's ABR test. Edward made himself right at home , hanging out on the bed and making a mess on the floor , see pictures below. 

Wish us luck!!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Roller Coaster Day, a look back

Well what a day, the day began with us headed to LA Children's hospital for a CF test and to try and fight to get Edward pre-op back for his ABR hearing test. (See yesterday the hearing department called and told us that Edward was to sick to have a sedated ABR and that he would have to do it through the operating room, and this without them even examining him, they must have super powers). Last night I emailed over 50 people at LA Children's hospital including the CEO and President. Well someone must have got the email because once we arrived at LA Children's hospital and Melissa made a few more calls, everyone started to be really nice to us. The manager from the hearing department meant with us separately the doctor apologized like 100 times, saying she had Edward mixed up with someone else!! Really!!! So, in short be had the pre-op for Edward ABR, which he passed, which means we are a go once again for the ABR test on Wednesday. We are hopeful that after this test, we will have all the data necessary for Edward to be fitted with hearing aids.
Later in the day, after we had arrived home, I went to check our messages on our home answering machine, and guess who left us a very nice message and asked us to call him back.. THE PRESIDENT OF LA CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!! I guess that is why everyone was so nice, I don't really think he liked the way a family was being treated in his hospital. We will be calling him back tomorrow to thank him for everything he did to pave the way for our son to have his ABR test...

Oh in closing, tonight while we were outside, Edward got in the swing that his Grandma and Grandpa Day had bought him over 2 years, ago, I took a picture and then placed in side by side with the one from 2 years ago, see the comparison below, it is unbelievable how mush he has grown!!

FYI, please check is June 2014 photo page for lots of new photos of Edward playing at the play ground at LA Children's hospital, here is the link that will take you directly there:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Great Weekend

Well Melissa's brother came for a visit and boy did Edward ever love spending time with his uncle. See a selfie that Melissa's brother took with Edward at the baseball game we went to on Saturday night. Edward just loved the game, well he actually loved walking around holding your hand and looking at all the people and Star wars people (oh Saturday night was Star Wars night at Jet Hawk stadium, I tired to get a picture of Edward with a few Storm Troopers but he started to get scared when he got near them). I uploaded pictures from the game on Saturday night to Edward June 2014 photo page so go check them out.
Today, Melissa was running a few things over to the goodwill, we were cleaning things out recently, and she saw a Car from the movie Cars, and bought it for Edward. They only wanted 8 dollars, and it was a riding toy, well actually a Power Wheel, a car that the kids can ride on and it has a engine and everything, go to Edward youtube page to see a video of him driving the car, he loves it!!!!! Well off to LA tomorrow for a CF test, please keep Edward in your prayers that it comes back Negative.....

Oh here is the link to the youtube video:

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Summer salt

It is offical, Edward can summer salt. He had done it, with our help at OT a few times, but last night when his uncle arrived (Melissa's brother), he just decided to show off and start doing them. It was so cute. Goto his YouTube channel to see a video of the moment. Below is a picture. 
Edward also help get the bed ready for his uncle john, it is a Aero bed that is actually like 3 feet off the ground (3 feet high), but it did not stop him , he climbed right up and on it, see picture below.
I know, long blog today but lots to tell everyone!
We also went to Cedars Sinai for Edward's last Devolpnental appointment and he did great, if they still adjusted his age he would be right with a all his peers, he is slightly behind but we don't care because we are not sending him to K until he is turning 6 anyway since that is when he would have gone with a December birthday! Below is a picture of his diploma !!!! We are so proud of you !!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Everyone on Vacation

Well Edward has officially finished another day of daycare. We said goodbye to his teachers. So said but happy. Edward has started to climb a little more. For example today at OT he climbed right up on the swing which is about 4 feet off the ground and we were all amazed. Edward can also climb up into his booster chair at the table, oh Edward is in a booster chair now, not a high chair :(.
Tomorrow we head off to Cedar's Sinai hospital for Edward's last developmental appointment and Edward has someone special coming in tomorrow night to see him, say tuned to this blog for full details. Below is a picture of Edward walking like a Wheelbarrow at OT tonight.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Out for the summer

Well school is over!!!! We are done.... Today during my promotion ceremony I had the honor of presenting the William Kenneth Day Award for excellence in Geometry. Congratulations Jamie Griggs, as traditions has it, last year's winner came to help me present. Below is a picture of me with the winner and last year's winner. This year's winner is in the middle.
Onto Edward news, we got back the results of his blood test he had on Monday and the nurse told us that he is normal to above normal in all areas needed to help fight off respiratory infections. WE ARE SO HAPPY. Tomorrow is Edward last day of daycare as we head to Ridgecrest to have blood drawn for Melissa's surgery. In just 11 days, Melissa has Hip surgery. I can't wait til it is all over.
Oh I also uploaded a new video to youtube of Edward at therapy, here is the link:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One More day

Well tomorrow is the last day of school for us and Edward has one more day after tomorrow, due to the fact that Melissa and I have to run up to Ridgecrest for blood to be drawn for her surgery (Long Story). Tomorrow will be a very emotional day, as I will give out the third annual William Kenneth Day award for excellence in Geometry... I will post pictures tomorrow of the plaque and of the winner, I don't want to say yet who it is, because some of my kids check this blog.

Edward is doing great and had a great OT session today, I was not there due to the fact that today was our annual 8th grade school trip to Magic Mountain. Well don't forget to check his June photo album daily, due to the fact we are always adding pictures to the page remotely through our iPhones... Well goodnight

Monday, June 9, 2014

Cleared again, blood test

Well Edward's Pediarition cleared Edward again for his 2nd part if his ABR hearing test, so now it all comes down to whether or not LA Children's hospital will. Keep your fingers crossed we go there next Monday.
Edward also had another blood test to see if the shot he got 2 months ago a has help boost his immune system , the doctor is hopeful. 
Well 2 more work days left. Tomorrow I am off to Six Flags with all 8th graders for Grad day and then promotion on Wednesday. This has been a long hard year. Thank you to all my kids for making it a little easier . 

Oh below is a link to a YouTube video that my kids took of them presenting me the hockey stick and others things as well, and yes I cried..... 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fun Play Date

Well today one of Edward's friends, Luke came by for a playdate. What fun everyone had.. They both just love playing in the water with each other, check out the picture below and if you go to Edward's june 2014 photo page you will see all the pictures along with a video of Edward going down the side in his pool his grandpa Campbell got him last year... Well 3 more days of school before the long summer begins....Oh here is the direct link to the june 2014 photo page :

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Edward and Iris

Well when I dropped him off at daycare on Friday, guess who just got their, Iris. Iris is Edward little girl friend he calls her I. As soon as he saw her he ran right over to the table to have 3rd breakfast, yes 3rd, he had a early and late breakfast at home. Below is a picture of Edward and Iris at the table. I am sure they will both miss each other this summer but they should both be in the same class this fall.
All so below is a picture of what my kids got Edward, he actually doesn't have that bear.... They said he needed to get something too....

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Everything is a go

Well everything is a go for Melissa surgery . She had 5 tests today and passed them in. Know the long wait to surgery. Thank you Natalie Barber for picking up Edward today since we didn't get back in town til about 6:30 thanks again....

New video

Edward almost there, pdelling his bike. So Close!!!!!! So Close!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 2014 Photo Album created

Italian for 2 days

Well On Tuesday and tonight Edward has had Italian. On Tuesday he had spaghetti and tonight it was lasagna. He loves it all!!! She pictures below... Edward is doing great. Tomorrow we are off to LA for Melissa Prep Op for her surgery on June 23rd, so we hope everything goes well... Well update everyone tomorrow on this blog. Also sorry for the delay of creating a new photo album for June, I will do it tomorrow night I hope and place a link on this page...
On a personal note, my students today surprised me with 4 "memorable gifts". A collage of pictures of all 31 of them, a powerpoint set to music with pictures of them in it, a video with memories of me they will take with them to high school, and a signed... Well see picture below. These were some of the nicest gifts I have ever received....

Monday, June 2, 2014

Peddle little buddy

Well Edward is starting to get the concept if peddling, that us when he is actually paying attention. 90% of the time he just waves bye bye and let's the therapist do all the work but when he wants to he can move the wheels almost one entire rotation. Believe me that is big. I told Edward what mommy said, if Edward is peddling his tricycle by his birthday we can buy him his first little bicycle with training wheels. Ok Edward we got 2 months and a lot of work to do!!!! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

No nap, well sort of

Well Edward would not take a nap today, well if you don't count the 20 minute nap in church, see picture below 

So tonight when we finally got him in his bed he feel asleep in under a minute Nd his kitty decided to sleep with him too.  

Well goodnight