Monday, June 16, 2014

Roller Coaster Day, a look back

Well what a day, the day began with us headed to LA Children's hospital for a CF test and to try and fight to get Edward pre-op back for his ABR hearing test. (See yesterday the hearing department called and told us that Edward was to sick to have a sedated ABR and that he would have to do it through the operating room, and this without them even examining him, they must have super powers). Last night I emailed over 50 people at LA Children's hospital including the CEO and President. Well someone must have got the email because once we arrived at LA Children's hospital and Melissa made a few more calls, everyone started to be really nice to us. The manager from the hearing department meant with us separately the doctor apologized like 100 times, saying she had Edward mixed up with someone else!! Really!!! So, in short be had the pre-op for Edward ABR, which he passed, which means we are a go once again for the ABR test on Wednesday. We are hopeful that after this test, we will have all the data necessary for Edward to be fitted with hearing aids.
Later in the day, after we had arrived home, I went to check our messages on our home answering machine, and guess who left us a very nice message and asked us to call him back.. THE PRESIDENT OF LA CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!! I guess that is why everyone was so nice, I don't really think he liked the way a family was being treated in his hospital. We will be calling him back tomorrow to thank him for everything he did to pave the way for our son to have his ABR test...

Oh in closing, tonight while we were outside, Edward got in the swing that his Grandma and Grandpa Day had bought him over 2 years, ago, I took a picture and then placed in side by side with the one from 2 years ago, see the comparison below, it is unbelievable how mush he has grown!!

FYI, please check is June 2014 photo page for lots of new photos of Edward playing at the play ground at LA Children's hospital, here is the link that will take you directly there:

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