Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Edward takes over

Ok a funny story to tell you that will explain the blog title.

First some info you need. When I pick Edward up at daycare he always is excited because of 2 reasons: One, he is going home and two because he can get some milky when he gets home. So each day he says milky all the way home. When we get home, I place him in the big chair in the living room and go and get him a snack and a glass of milk. I then get a glass of milk and we have a glass of milk together.  Ok so he always goes to that chair for milk and a snack.

So tonight when mommy was making dinner, I told Edward to go get in his chair for dinner, well instead of going to his chair in the dinning room he head right for, you guessed it, the big chair in the living room that I guess is Edward's chair. I looked around called his name and  he looked around at me with a big smile and said yum yum... Which means dinner of course... Kind of silly that he would go to that chair for dinner since we always eat dinner in the dinning room... Just really funny..

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