Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snow on he way, funny story

Well we might be getting a snow storm tomorrow night, which is a rare but almost yearly occurrence in Lancaster. We usually get one big snow storm a year, but have not had one since the boys were born. We are excited as we are suppose to get between 2-4 inches and that will probably be enough to build a small snow man with Edward outside, so we are doing a snow dance and hoping that Edward might see his first snow ever.
Oh, now the funny story. I took Edward outside today right before nap time, it has been too cold to take Edward out but we had temps in the high 50s today. So. of course Edward headed right for his red swing, I pushed him and pushed him and he laughed and laughed and talked up a storm, and then all of a sudden he went quite. I got worried so looked and guess what happened! He fell asleep in the swing. He use to fall asleep all the time when he was a baby in the motorized swing in the living room but we never thought that be might just actually fall asleep in his bigger boy swing...
Below are a few pictures of Edward swinging on his swing and jumping around after his nap, I never got a picture of him actually sleeping in the swing, maybe next time.. Goodnight

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